티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][문복희 Eat with Boki] SUB)후루트링 첵스파맛 첵스초코 콘푸로스트 시리얼 먹방! 비요뜨 에너지바까지 리얼사운드 Cornflake Cereal yogurt mukbang ASMR
twoyou 2020. 11. 13. 03:47(추천)인기 동영상 : [문복희 Eat with Boki] SUB)후루트링 첵스파맛 첵스초코 콘푸로스트 시리얼 먹방! 비요뜨 에너지바까지 리얼사운드 Cornflake Cereal yogurt mukbang ASMR
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
요약 댓글 : [문복희 Eat with Boki] SUB)후루트링 첵스파맛 첵스초코 콘푸로스트 시리얼 먹방! 비요뜨 에너지바까지 리얼사운드 Cornflake Cereal yogurt mukbang ASMR
For all non Korean viewers, I just wanted to share a perspective an American who is fluent in Korean. I think the criticism that Boki is receiving is far from the "K-netizen's" hate a lot of you are saying. I personally did not understand the hate myself, but I want to share some points that I found out and a lot of people seem to be missing.
저는 먹뱉/먹토/먹는 양 조작의 수많은 증거가 외국인들에게 알려지지않다는게 답답합니다 ㅠㅠ
1. Hiding paid promotion is not a big deal to many of us, as we are not the target of those ads - we can't buy from these Korean stores. Note that this is illegal in Korea; therefore, lot of viewers purchased these items and were given food that was VERY different than what Boki received. She promoted things she didn't like for her viewers for monetary purposes, and I'm sure a lot of us would be upset if we bought something a YouTuber recommended, but it was different than described and rather disappointing.
2. Sure the first point may still not be enough to fully understand why she is receiving this backlash. As many of you guys are saying, this video proves that Boki does spit/throw up her food. Truthfully, I think it is ignorant of us to turn a blind eye on something that is a big issue in our society - eating disorders. By supporting Boki saying "so what if she spits out her food, it's her choice and I like her videos", you guys are supporting young viewers to feel as though spitting out food is okay. As someone who studies disorders, chewing and spitting are the first steps to develop Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. If Boki has an eating disorder, she should not be doing mukbangs and start to care for her health. However, it is NOT OKAY to simply spit out food to appear as though you can eat a lot for views and subscribers. Not enough proof to say she spits out her food? Well there are videos that come out daily with different videos that show clips that is hard to prove wrong (leaning to the side with food in the front of her mouth, sounds of plastic bags, etc.). I had to look it up in Korean, which means not a lot of you guys are getting access. Please message me for links! These three videos were after her spitting concerns, but the problematic videos that were the most scrutinized are not even mentioned. Why doesn't Boki do any live broadcasts? Why are these videos that are supposedly "unedited" actually edited between frames (message for link as well).
3. She basically says that she was never part of a company, but you can hear a man's voice directing her to eat this next and smile more -- I think you guys can think for yourself.
It infuriates me that we are supporting mukbangers that are honestly taking advantage of us. I didn't even know she had an apology up, but it was only in Korean so we don't see! I don't support such hate for paid promotions, but spitting out food is simply not okay and I don't get why she is getting more subscribers by the hour. There are a lot of good and healthy mukbangers that I love, and I think we can use our support to create a healthy honest mukbang community
문복희 광고목록 (최신순으로 정렬됨)
(유료광고표시 영상만 작성함)
(겹치는 부분은 영상이 여러 개여서 그렇게 표시함)
3.치킨플러스-크리미어니언 핫쵸킹 순살 치킨
5.노모어피자-옥수수 새우 피자, 페퍼로니 피자
7.할리스-몰티져스 초코빙수, 망고치즈케익빙수
8.BBQ-핫황금올리브 후라이드 레드착착치킨
9.베스킨라빈스 신메뉴
11.굽네치킨-고추바사삭 순살
12.엔젤리너스-신메뉴 샌드위치
13.페리카나-로스핀 핫데블맛, 양념맛 치킨
14.추가)60계 치킨-더 매운 고추치킨 순살(요청이 많아서 시켰다네요)
15.바르다 김선생-분식
16.또래오래-치킨, 단짠스틱
17.집에서 먹자-쭈꾸미, 곱창, 대창, 막창 (협찬 표시O)
18.한돈-삼겹살, 항정살 (협찬표시O)
19.추가)바른치킨-후추치킨, 치즈떡볶이
20.청년피자-매드쉬림프 피자, 불고기 크림 파스타
22.포차천국-오벵이 쫄면, 조개탕 (협찬표시O)
24.추가)더아리엘 뷔페
25.써브웨이-샌드위치 3종 (협찬표시O)
26.추가)셰프장-간장새우장 양념새우장
27.기승전골-곱창닭볶음탕 (협찬표시O)
28.피자헛-이탈리안 살시챠피자
29.스프라이트 (광고표시O)
30.푸라닭-신메뉴 순살 더 차이나
32.파리바게트-초코케이크 (협찬표시O)
33.추가) 피자마루-페퍼로니 치즈 피자
34.피자헛-메가더블세트 (본인이 산 척함)
35.추가) bhc-블랙 올리브 치킨
37.기승전골-대창, 우삼겹, 순대
38.추가)굽네-오리지널 고추바사삭(요청때문에 구매하셨대요ㅎ)
39.쿠캣-딸기쏙우유, 초코쏙 녹차 참쌀떡
40.추가) 60계치킨-간지반 고추반 다리
41.오크리스피-멘보샤, 코코넛쉬림프
42.닥치고 떡볶이 (본인이 주문하는 척함)
43.윙잇-쭈꾸미, 밀푀유 전골 (협찬표시O)
(아래부턴 9월 1일 이전 영상)
45:밥순삭-순살간장양념개장 김밥, 우동, 새우튀김
48.추가)신참떡볶이-달고마 떡볶이 달참 떡볶이
+)39개가 넘는 걸 알고는 있었는데 유료광고표시 수정을 너무 늦게 찔끔찔끔해서 좀 더 기다리다가 할려고 했다가 까먹고 수정을 못했네요 죄송해요ㅠㅠ
For all non Korean viewers, I just wanted to share a perspective an American who is fluent in Korean. I think the criticism that Boki is receiving is far from the "K-netizen's" hate a lot of you are saying. I personally did not understand the hate myself, but I want to share some points that I found out and a lot of people seem to be missing.
저는 먹뱉/먹토/먹는 양 조작의 수많은 증거가 외국인들에게 알려지지않다는게 답답합니다 ㅠㅠ
1. Hiding paid promotion is not a big deal to many of us, as we are not the target of those ads - we can't buy from these Korean stores. Note that this is illegal in Korea; therefore, lot of viewers purchased these items and were given food that was VERY different than what Boki received. She promoted things she didn't like for her viewers for monetary purposes, and I'm sure a lot of us would be upset if we bought something a YouTuber recommended, but it was different than described and rather disappointing.
2. Sure the first point may still not be enough to fully understand why she is receiving this backlash. As many of you guys are saying, this video proves that Boki does spit/throw up her food. Truthfully, I think it is ignorant of us to turn a blind eye on something that is a big issue in our society - eating disorders. By supporting Boki saying "so what if she spits out her food, it's her choice and I like her videos", you guys are supporting young viewers to feel as though spitting out food is okay. As someone who studies disorders, chewing and spitting are the first steps to develop Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. If Boki has an eating disorder, she should not be doing mukbangs and start to care for her health. However, it is NOT OKAY to simply spit out food to appear as though you can eat a lot for views and subscribers. Not enough proof to say she spits out her food? Well there are videos that come out daily with different videos that show clips that is hard to prove wrong (leaning to the side with food in the front of her mouth, sounds of plastic bags, etc.). I had to look it up in Korean, which means not a lot of you guys are getting access. Please message me for links! These three videos were after her spitting concerns, but the problematic videos that were the most scrutinized are not even mentioned. Why doesn't Boki do any live broadcasts? Why are these videos that are supposedly "unedited" actually edited between frames (message for link as well).
3. She basically says that she was never part of a company, but you can hear a man's voice directing her to eat this next and smile more -- I think you guys can think for yourself.
It infuriates me that we are supporting mukbangers that are honestly taking advantage of us. I didn't even know she had an apology up, but it was only in Korean so we don't see! I don't support such hate for paid promotions, but spitting out food is simply not okay and I don't get why she is getting more subscribers by the hour. There are a lot of good and healthy mukbangers that I love, and I think we can use our support to create a healthy honest mukbang community
영악하다는말이 진짜 딱 맞음 문복희님을 위한 단어인듯 다 알고 교묘하게 이용한게 진짜
<문복희 거짓말모음>
1.뒷광고해서 속이고 ,
2.커뮤니티 사과문 처음 ))거짓말해서 올림 또 들통나니까 ))저를 방어하려는 마음이었던것같습니다 이지랄
3. 커뮤니티에 외국인은 사과문 못보게 외국어 표시안하고(참고로 일터지기 전엔 외국어 번역 잘만 해놓음),
4. 최근영상은 사람들이 비난하러 오니깐 유료광고표시 안해놓음ㄷㄷ
사과했어도 문복희님은 아직도 시청자들 눈속이려하고 아직도 어떻게 비난을좀 더 피할 수 있을까 머리굴리는애임
++인스타 비공개
So basically she is involved in 4 problems :
1. hiding and lying to her viewers about the fact that a video/ food was sponsored (this violates Youtube guidelines and is illegal in Korea)
2. spitting out food while pretending to eat a huge amount of food (which is a huge part of why so many people watch her). People started pointing this out to her, but she never gave an official statement. Instead, she told her viewers she would start releasing full versions of her videos (probably to indirectly show us that she doesnt spit her food out). However, in these videos we see some strange points, as they remain heavily edited (but discreetly, we can clearly see thay shes trying to make this all look natural and look like an "unedited" version.). Some examples are food changing positions, or the amount of food decreasing between video frames.
3. telling people that she works alone, and is not part of a company. she claimed she films videos for her own pleasure and because she loves food. She even had a video of her eating porridge, after claiming "she was sick and couldn't go to the studio (where she usually films), and was therefore eating at home". (this was later proved to be an ad for the porridge btw)
4. english translation and comments
Here's whats going on :
1. She admitted and apologized for lying about the ads (hiding the fact that they were ads). When this whole scandal happened and affected a huge part of the Korean YT community, she denied the fact that she lied about ads and said "If i filmed videos to earn money i would film a commercial or go on a tv show. I only film to share my love for food so there is no way i would lie to you".
= she admitted she lied. this is the FIRST LIE.
2. She uploaded this video trying to show viewers how she works and trying to clear some misunderstandings on the "strange points" mentioned earlier (food changing positions etc). We can indeed see that she does not spit her food out and the strange points were proved to be due to her trying to get a better angle on the food, taking breaks or fixing her makeup.
HOWEVER, the videos she released are the latest videos, which were filmed AFTER she promised to show us the full versions at the end. Korean viewers are therefore freaking out again because she does not show the full versions of the previous videos (before promising to show us the full versions. what does this mean ? in all the videos filmed after this point she has no choice but to force herself to eat everything because she promised to release the full versions). She therefore PURPOSELY included her most recent videos as they are most likely the only ones where she actually swallows her food. Of course, this proves that she may have quit spitting out her food, but does not prove that she didn't do it all. If she is unable to provide real proof (especially regarding her previous videos), this is her SECOND LIE (because clearly the video was made to show us thay she does not spit out her food).
3. Though she claimed she worked alone without staff, this video proved the contrary. Throughout the video, if you increase the decibell, you can hear people directing her ("put that food there." "eat that." "smile." "put more lipstick on".). Not only did this piss her viewers off because it proved that everything was planned, directed and "fake", but also because this is the THIRD LIE.
4. She is known for communicatimg with her international fans too, providing translation for her descriptions. However, in her videos or posts talking about the ads and especially her apology post, the translation is nowhere to be seen. People are therefore clashing her because she purposely does not put english translation to hide all of this from her foreign fans (which are a huge part of her fanbase). And when she talks about her being innocent and such she immediately puts back the english version. Also, she deletes comments talking about her scandals (especially the spitting out one) and on this video people claim she is deleting english comments explaining her wrongdoings (usually comments that Koreans put to bring awareness and to telll foreign viewers the truth), again, to hide all of this from her foreign viewers (theyre most likely the only ones keeping her from completely losing all her subscribers and subscribers = ). This is the FOURTH LIE (a lie because she is purposely trying to decieve her viewers).
재생시간 댓글 : [문복희 Eat with Boki] SUB)후루트링 첵스파맛 첵스초코 콘푸로스트 시리얼 먹방! 비요뜨 에너지바까지 리얼사운드 Cornflake Cereal yogurt mukbang ASMR
5:05 공기 마시는거??
6:17 소리 키워서 들으면
“지금” 이라고 누가 말하는 목소리가 들려요
4:57 - 4:58 시리얼 양 줄어드넹...
0:33 소심희? 개소리 하네 먹뱉하걸면서ㅋㅋㅋ
1:46자막도 너가 사과해야할걸알아.
0:05 진짜 지금지금이라고 소리남 미디오 큰소리로 하삼^^
6:17 지금..? 스태프랑 다 짜고친거네;;
들킬까봐 우유 흔들어서 안 보이게하네 ㄷㄷ 진짜 ㅉㅉ 문복희님 진짜 ㅉㅉ
인기순 댓글 : [문복희 Eat with Boki] SUB)후루트링 첵스파맛 첵스초코 콘푸로스트 시리얼 먹방! 비요뜨 에너지바까지 리얼사운드 Cornflake Cereal yogurt mukbang ASMR
누군가에게는 그냥 흔한 유튜브 먹방일지 모르나 ,,,
전 바이크 타다가 대형 사고가 나서 치아가 20개 이상 손실된 상태라 ,,
영상 보면서 평소에 먹고 싶던 거 그런거 대리 만족 하면서 봤어요
드디어 오랜 기다림 끝에 (5년정도 )
8월 6일 오후 3시에 치과 지료가 잡혀서 그날 인플란트 시작 합니다
갯수가 좀 만은 편이고 위험 하다네요 대략 20 인플란트 해요 ,,,
항상 영상 보면서 힘을 얻어 갑니다 ,,,
감사 합니다 ~
2:22 나만 안 삼킨거 같아욤?ㅋㅋㅋ
아니 생각해보셈 누가 시리얼먹으면서 저런 천국이 1미터 남은 듯한표정 지음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄹㅇ 연기 잘하시네..
+617 감사합니다
제 답글에서 싸우지 마세요..
안녕하세요 복희예요
오늘은 무슨 광고가 왔는지 보다가 씨리얼 첵스파맛이 광고에 들어왔더라구요
저 돈받고 싶었는데 광고가 들어와서 받았던 첵스 파맛과 함께 오늘은 씨리얼 먹뱉 !
아몬드 후레이크,콘푸로스트,후르트링,첵스초코 그리고 또 광고를 받아서 비요뜨 쿠키앤크림 and 에너지바 까지 챙겨왔습니다
잘 들어보면 '' 지금'' 이란말 들림
이 언니 먹방에는 삼키는
장면이 없거든요.
01:53 여기 잘들어보면 우유 입에대기도 전에 꿀꺽소리남 ㄷㄷ 뭐임
와 진짜 편집자 미쳤다
페이드인이랑 페이드아웃이랑 편집겹치게 해서 티안나게 잘하네
(그래봤자 다 들키지만)
05:03 보면 우유를 넣은적이 없는데 왜 마시는거야..?
언니! 이거왜 광고 표시가 없어?
영상, 편집, 광고, 기획, 수습 등 분명 혼자가 아닌 여럿이었을거고. 그 자체가 문제가 되진 않지만 그만큼 시청자 기만하는 방법도 고단수가 됨.
지금도 악플이든 선플이든 달러 들어오는 나같은 사람으로 조회수 느는거에 즐거울지도.
일커진 다음날 : 죄송합니다
ㅋㅋㅋ 씹
쯔양은 방송 초반때 아무것도 몰랐을때 실수로 뒷광고 몇번하고 이미 예전에 사과했었음 쯔양은 작년부터 이번년도까지 뒷광고 단 한번도 안함
근데 쯔양은 은퇴까지하네?? 제일 잘못없는 쯔양이 은퇴하네??? 너도 유튜브 접어
8:55 여기 자세히보면 먹기 전에 편집 되어었음 글고 먹으려고 입 벌릴때 입에 내용물이 안들어 있음
4:57 .....??? 아니 님덜이 봐바..
Before the controversy broke out about the back advertisement, Moon Bok hee had about 5 million subscribers. And controversy broke out, and viewers steadily commented on whether the viewers were stupid, and in the one sake video uploaded about three weeks ago, Moon Bok-hee literally had to follow all instructions like a home shopping broadcast and deceive viewers. Evidence of eating spit shows that editing points and traces that we did not know before were shown, and the video was cut off continuously in the part of swallowing food.
Currently, the number of subscribers is about 4.45 million, compared to when the controversy broke out, the subscribers are rising again. The back advertisement is receiving advertisements and eating food. Soon the nickname spit Bok hee also emerged Some viewers even explained that it wasn't the first time Moon Bok hee's controversy broke out.
From the beginning, there was a plan, and the viewers looked at it and made a happy expression while chewing the food, but there were also viewers who criticized themselves for why they didn't know this as evidence came out.
That gave us happiness through eating
I hate to see Moon Bok hee anymore. Cancel your subscription.
정말 문복희는 사기꾼입니다. 구독을 취소하세요.
안녕하세요 복희예요
마트에서 장 보다가 집에서 먹을 씨리얼 사는데 첵스 파맛이 보이더라구요 저도 모르게 카트에 넣었던 첵스 파맛과 함께 오늘은 씨리얼 먹방 !
아몬드 후레이크, 콘푸로스트, 후르트링, 첵스 초코맛에 허전함을 채워주기위해 비요뜨 쿠키앤크림, 후르트링 and 에너지바까지 가져왔습니당
후르트링은 정말 오랜만에 먹는데 새콤달콤상콤하니 맛있었어요 ! 첵스 초코맛이랑 아몬드 후레이크&콘푸로스트는 원래 맛있는거 다들 아시쥬?
그리고 첵스 파맛은 음 ,,, 생각이 많아지는 맛 ,,, 처음엔 나쁘지않네?! 싶었는데 먹다보니 이게 대체 무슨 맛인가 싶더라구요
양파링이나 야채타임의 맛없는 버전같기도하고 거기에 설탕을 또 코팅시킨 이맛도 저맛도 아닌...? 우유에 말아먹으니까 더 아닌..^^
그래도 다른 시리얼들이 맛있어서 달달하게 잘 먹었어요 희희 오늘도 잘 먹었습니당
p.s 후르트링은 요거트보다 우유에 말아먹는걸루...
Today, I went to the mart to buy cereal, and there was a new thing Green onion creal !
I was curious about the taste, so I bought it with other cereals
It's been a while since I had Fruitsring, it was sweet and delicious.
Checks green onion flavor wasn't bad when I just ate it, but it didn't taste good when you put it in milk
But eating other yogurt and energy bars made me full and delicious
Enjoy your meal too
복희 daily instagram @_luvmun
Mukbang instagram @eatwithboki
영상 대부분이 광고임에도 광고 표시를 하지않았습니다.
광고비는 수백만원에서 수천만원까지받습니다.
한국에서 이런행위는 범죄입니다.
그녀는 불법을 저질렀습니다.
그녀의 영상 및 채널을 신고 부탁드립니다.
그녀는 불법을 저질렀습니다.
그녀는 범죄자 입니다.
Moon Bok-hee didn't let the viewers know after receiving the advertisement.
Even though most of the images are advertisements, they are not displayed.
Advertising costs range from millions to tens of millions of won.
This kind of behavior is a crime in Korea.
She committed an illegal act.
Please report her video and channel.
She committed an illegal act.
She is a criminal.
La Sra. Moon no avisó a la audiencia.
La mayoría de los videos tienen anuncios, pero no marca.
Los costos de publicidad son de millones de wones.
En Corea, esto es un crimen.
Ella hizo trampa.
Por favor, revise su video y canal.
Ella hizo trampa.
Ella es una criminal.
Moon Bok-hee received the ad and didn't tell the viewers.
Most of the videos are advertisements, but I didn't show any advertisement.
Advertising costs range from millions to tens of millions of won.
This is a crime in Korea.
She committed an illegal act.
Please report her video and channel.
She committed an illegal act.
She's a criminal.
Moon Bok-hee a reçu la publicité et n'a pas informé les spectateurs.
La plupart des images sont de la publicité, mais elles n'ont pas été affichées.
Les frais de publicité sont de millions de wons à des dizaines de millions de wons.
C'est un crime en Corée.
Elle a commis une faute légale.
Je vous prie de signaler ses vidéos et ses canaux.
Elle a commis une faute légale.
C'est une criminelle
Moon Bok-hee hat die Werbung bekommen und hat die Zuschauer nicht informiert.
Die meisten Bilder sind Werbung, aber sie haben keine Werbung gemacht.
Die Werbekosten werden von Millionen Won bis zu Tausenden Won bezahlt.
In Korea ist dies ein Verbrechen.
Sie hat Ungesetzliches begangen.
Bitte melden Sie ihre Bilder und Kanäle.
Sie hat Ungesetzliches begangen.
Sie ist ein Verbrecher.
Bạn Moon Bok Hee nhận được quảng cáo nên không thông báo cho các bạn xem.
Hầu hết các video đều là quảng cáo nhưng không có dấu hiệu quảng cáo.
Chi phí quảng cáo từ hàng triệu đến hàng chục triệu won.
Hành vi này ở Hàn Quốc là tội phạm.
Cô ấy đã phạm luật
Vui lòng báo cáo video và kênh của cô ấy.
Cô ấy đã phạm luật
Cô ấy là tội phạm.
Il Maometto ha ricevuto la pubblicità e non ha informato il pubblico.
La maggior parte delle immagini erano pubblicità, ma non erano pubblicità.
Le spese pubblicitarie vanno da milioni a decine di milioni.
Questo comportamento in Corea è un crimine.
Ha commesso un reato.
Per favore, mostra le sue immagini e i suoi canali.
Ha commesso un reato.
Lei è un criminale.
Мультивсе получил рекламу и не сообщил аудитории.
Хотя большинство изображений рекламные, большинство из них не было сделано.
Стоимость рекламы от миллионов до десятков миллионов.
В Корее такие акты являются преступлением.
Она совершила беззаконие.
Мы просим вас рассказать о ее видео и т.д.
Она совершила беззаконие.
Она преступник.
Yes, I know. She has wronged us in many ways. However, netizens are bashing her because she has an eating disorder, called "bulimia nervosa". I assert that this should stop. I am sadder than furious that she has lied to her viewers about the whole advertisement incident. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about that issue; I am talking about how some viewers are bashing her for her "eating disorder".
Some of you may think an eating disorder occurs when you just want to lose weight, become prettier, and start restricting. In some cases, yes that is right, but in Boki's case, errr. You are far from the definition of the term "bulimic". The solutions aren't that simple; you can't just tell the person to "eat less to prevent yourself from purging" or "don't think about food". No. It's not that simple. Most people with eating disorders have other mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, or depression disorders, and they can develop another mental illness, such as eating disorders.
Eating disorders aren’t essentially around weight or indeed nourishment. They’re biopsychosocial disarranged, with roots in hereditary qualities, feelings, behaviors, and social, natural, or social variables. EDs frequently go hand in hand with other mental ailments, like depression, anxiety, and OCD. Pressures to have an idealized body aren’t the sole trigger — abuse, trauma, and appearance-related prodding too raise the chance. As does family history: Up to 80 percent of your hazard for creating one is due to hereditary components.
In case you didn't know, bulimia nervosa is obviously a mental illness, and the definition is here: Bulimia Nervosa, commonly called bulimia, is one of the two major eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Individuals with bulimia may furtively binge — eating expansive sums of food with a loss of control over the eating — there are two pathways of purging: purposely purging attempting to get freed of the additional calories in an unfortunate way, or gurging because an individual consumed more than the limit of a served portion of food.
Others can be irrationally afraid of some foods that they may think would make them fatter, and the most efficient way of fixing that, most people, would be seeing others eating their fear foods.
People with bulimia are constantly thinking about food and not only bulimia, though. Most of all people who are diagnosed with an eating disorder think about food non-stop. They always think about food, almost every second, regarding what they are going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even plan what they are going to eat for the next day. They try to calculate the calories of the food they are going to eat, every time, and everywhere. These disorders can grow from pressure, e.g., when you have such a perfect body and being exposed to the internet, you want to keep a pretty body, known as the "hourglass" shape, or being "curvy", as well as a pretty face to nourish our eyes. This all is because of maybe greed, to become a famous person, a king you might be once all the fame is thrown to you.
Also, to catch one's attention, we need to overdo something, in sum, doing more than you are supposed to. As an example, you have a crush on a boy. You want to leave a good impression or wear something pretty to catch his attention. It is the same thing for the internet. You want views, so people can start subscribing, how great it would be to break many records, earn a ton of money, and be popular. It's a fantasy, right? We all tend to lean on what is trendy and aesthetic, than old and simplistic.
This proves another point as well, that the internet can be harsh. You should know that your 5-second comments, 1-second thought-out words, can seriously ruin ones' life, in worse cases, cause suicide, which we are not totally unfamiliar with. The annoying part is, that we don't learn from our mistakes unless something happens to you or someone dearly, for example after you bashed someone and quit YT, you got suspended from YT.
In the end, I am just saying you people should really stop bashing her for her eating disorder. Don't get me wrong, I said EATING DISORDER. This shouldn't be happening. If you read all this, thank you. I completely don't mind if you start writing hate comments below, or judging me that I am incorrect, okay, I am just here to inform you that this shouldn't be happening. I am going to repost this in the latest video, which is not new. Thank you.
[문복희 Eat with Boki] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
'유튜브 리뷰 > 인기(추천)동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
- Thankyou BUBU
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- 문복희 Eat with Boki