티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Which girl is your type? (Fast vs Slow Tapping Girl)
twoyou 2020. 11. 21. 10:02재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Which girl is your type? (Fast vs Slow Tapping Girl)
Timeline 타임라인 タイムライン
preview 00:01
maple alcohol bottle (fast) 02:06 / (slow) 48:00
big wooden cutting board 06:03 / 50:14
HP potion 09:49 / 52:04
soap 15:14 / 54:15
mini wooden cutting board 17:35 / 55:49
hard cover book 19:31 / 01:04:38
wooden hair brush 21:55 / 01:07:32
wooden hair brush2 25:12 / 01:08:25
metal water bottle (fast) 27:58
metal water bottle2 28:37 / 01:20:28
diary 29:55 / 01:02:35
leather chocolate boxes 30:28 / 01:10:19
blessed potion 32:29 / 01:11:28
cell phone 1 34:37 / 01:18:26
cell phone 2 36:38 / 01:16:21
shaving cream case 40:42 / 01:18:58
wooden wish plaque 42:20 / 01:20:45
mana potion 43:41 / 01:13:07
medium wooden cutting board 44:31 / 57:33
rubber ball 47:08 / 01:23:41
magic spell book (slow) 59:21
beer can (slow) 01:22:38
wooden cubes and blocks (slow) 01:25:44
프리뷰 00:01
메이플 크림 술병 (빠른) 02:06 / (느린) 48:00
큰 나무 도마 06:03 / 50:14
HP 포션 09:49 / 52:04
비누 15:14 / 54:15
미니 나무 도마 17:35 / 55:49
하드커버북 19:31 / 01:04:38
나무 빗 21:55 / 01:07:32
나무 빗2 25:12 / 01:08:25
메탈 물병 (빠른) 27:58
보온병 28:37 / 01:20:28
다이어리 29:55 / 01:02:35
가죽 초콜릿 박스 30:28 / 01:10:19
축복의 포션 32:29 / 01:11:28
핸드폰 1 34:37 / 01:18:26
핸드폰 2 36:38 / 01:16:21
면도크림케이스 40:42 / 01:18:58
소원 팻말 42:20 / 01:20:45
마나포션 43:41 / 01:13:07
중간 나무 도마 44:31 / 57:33
고무공 47:08 / 01:23:41
마법책 (느린) 59:21
맥주캔 (느린) 01:22:38
나무블록 (느린) 01:25:44
プレビュー 00:01
メイプルクリーム酒ボトル (早い) 02:06 / (ゆっくりな) 48:00
大きな木まな板 06:03 / 50:14
HPポーション 09:49 / 52:04
石鹸 15:14 / 54:15
ミニ木まな板 17:35 / 55:49
ハードカバー・ブック 19:31 / 01:04:38
木のヘアーブラシ 21:55 / 01:07:32
木のヘアーブラシ2 25:12 / 01:08:25
メタル水のボトル (早い) 27:58
保温のボトル 28:37 / 01:20:28
ダイアリー 29:55 / 01:02:35
皮チョコレートボックス 30:28 / 01:10:19
祝福のポーション 32:29 / 01:11:28
携帯電話1 34:37 / 01:18:26
携帯電話2 36:38 / 01:16:21
シェービングクリームケース 40:42 / 01:18:58
願い札 42:20 / 01:20:45
マナポーション 43:41 / 01:13:07
中間木まな板 44:31 / 57:33
ゴムまり 47:08 / 01:23:41
魔法の本 (ゆっくりな) 59:21
缶ビール (ゆっくりな )01:22:38
木のブロック (ゆっくりな) 01:25:44
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9:55 sounded like temple run 1 collecting coins, regardless the triggers are all relaxing
8:46 моя одноклассница
Выглядело как просвещение какое-то!!!
i love all the fast ones and the slow tapping of the leather chocolate boxes at 01:10:19
That’s my type
No one at all:
English (auto-generated) subtitles at 24:25 : l a u g h t e r
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Which girl is your type? (Fast vs Slow Tapping Girl)
My grandpa: Vietnam Flashback
Me: P P O M O
“Wait- they’re the same perso-“
“-blue. Its blue”
OTHERS: orange or blue
Me: intel or ryzen
Me:wait what Minecraft ???
For me it depends of the object being used, but either way, the slow or fast tapping it was perfect, the fast tapping gave me good tingles tho and I rarely get tingles
Me with orange(fast) girl: stress ;-;
Meh with blue(slow) girl: sleep :V
yeah I don’t think I’m ok
️Did you set your alarm?
️Is autoplay off?
️Did you drink enough?
️Is your phone plugged in?
Have a good night and sleep well!
everyone: plays the video normally
me an intellectual: Two tabs are open both with the video, one plays the slow part and one plays the fast part
the slow tapping on the hairbrush reminds of me Iraq and helicopters. xD
I would say that fast tapping girl is my type
the last time i was this early ppomo had a bell at the beginning
Why is everybody saying they are blue and orange? I see her green and grey... Oh wait...
Slow Tapping is also great!
I don’t know which one will actually date me?
This video: exists
The comment section: gay panic
She even changed her earnings!
Best asmrtist ever!!!
Me when I get my nails done be like:
Orange : me when the teacher is explaining how to do the lesson
Blue: me doing the lesson
Everybody out here talking about fast and slow tapping girl while I’m here asking where the heck is
average tapping girl?
kpop girls/anime girls: 50%
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
'유튜브 리뷰 > 인기(추천)동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
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