티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
twoyou 2020. 11. 22. 04:59(추천)인기 동영상 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
혹시 인터넷 뉴스나 유튜브를 볼때 스크롤해서 댓글 먼저 보시는 분들 많으신가요?
바쁜 현대인들의 시간절약을 위해서 유튜브 인기 동영상의 중요 내용이나 요약, 공감 댓글 등을 먼저 확인해보고 유튜브를 시청해보는건 어떨까요?
(추천)인기 동영상 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
요약 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
Timeline 타임라인 タイムライン
00:01 preview
03:29 cotton gloves
10:46 pure hands
17:04 latex gloves
25:05 sticky gloves
31:26 bubble on your ears with silicone brush
42:17 wet bath sponges
51:30 disinfection with dry and wet makeup cotton pads
58:43 cleaning your ears fine brushes
01:13:09 silicone sponges
01:21:49 mascara brush
01:34:08 close ear blowing
01:43:07 dry and wet makeup puffs
01:55:26 fur gloves
02:00:59 silicone face cleansing brush
00:01 요약
03:29 면장갑
10:46 맨손
17:04 라텍스장갑
25:05 끈적한 장갑
31:26 버블메이커 실리콘 브러쉬와 귀에 거품
42:17 젖은 목욕 스폰지
51:30 화장솜과 귀소독
58:43 모공브러쉬로 귀닦기
01:13:09 실리콘 수세미
01:21:49 마스카라 브러쉬
01:34:08 가까운 귓바람
01:43:07 마르고 젖은 퍼프
01:55:26 털장갑
02:00:59 실리콘 페이스 클렌징 브러쉬
00:01 プレビュー
03:29 綿の手袋
10:46 素手
17:04 ラテックス手袋
25:05 ねっとりした手袋
31:26 シリコンブラシと耳に泡
42:17 濡れた入浴スポンジ
51:30 コットンと耳消毒
58:43 毛穴ブラシで、耳みがき
01:13:09 シリコンスポンジ
01:21:49 マスカラブラシ
01:34:08 近い耳に風
01:43:07 メイクアップパフ
01:55:26 毛糸の手袋
02:00:59 シリコンペースクレンジング・ブラシ
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재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
everything after 10:57 sounds like you were underwater and then swiped back up to the waves hitting your ear
33:25 sounds like a crackling fire! Amazing
32:31 - very relaxing moment
That sharp swipe at 1:13:13
Oh my god that shot hard tingles in my back. Have never had any like that. Not sure where to find more like that but goodness that was nice
2:00:59 = eargasm
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Hi-Fi EAR ATTENTION 2H (Ear Massage, Brushing, Cleansing)
확실히 도구의 소리와 이해도가 뛰어나다고 느껴지네요 고사양의 장비도 한 몫 하겠지만
ASMR의 기본인 소리는 개인적으로 원탑이라고 생각합니다.
오늘도 힐링합니다~.~♡
Bubble with silicone brush my favorite.
Congratulations amazing asmr
Ah, the other day this one person told me to kill myself for liking KPop. It made me very sad. I wish people don't judge other people based on their music taste. Anyway, your video cheared me up! Keep up the good work!!
2 hours? my ears are ready!
No one:
YouTube captions: [Applause]
I was still in bed when I got the notification for this video-
I was so ready
新しい動画ありがとう〜(^ ^)
Gosto muito dos seus vídeos de ASMRs. Em meu descanso, após o almoço, sempre que tenho dificuldade para silenciar os meus pensamentos, eu procuro ouvir algum vídeo de ASMR seu. Eles funcionam muito bem. Obrigado! :)
Wow wow WOW even just the preview is amazing
Just in time for sleep! Wow, I'm so early today hehehe. Thank you very much for helping me with my insomnia over the past 2 years.
gets an add for a horror movie that i can’t skip
me: i just want to sleep please-
I love the new look
Ppomo really improved from her first video
She is one of the best asmrtist
she usually has cute aesthetics in her vids but this one is very simple (maybe its cuz its longer than usual? idk). plus the lighting in this one is a bit different from her past videos. so im thinking this one mightve been set up to be filmed a bit faster. then theres the fact that this one was the first vid in a couple weeks.
maybe im just overthinking it, but if ppomos reading this, i hope she knows that we’re willing to wait as long as she needs for her to recover from anything bad that might have happened recently, or in the future! (which hopefully isnt and wont be the case)
Good idea i'm going to study with PPOMO taking care of my ears. Thank you my dear.
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
'유튜브 리뷰 > 인기(추천)동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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