티스토리 뷰
[유튜브 리뷰][ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Face Massage with Close Inaudible Whispering (Skincare, SPA, Personal Attention, 4K)
twoyou 2020. 11. 24. 01:56(추천)인기 동영상 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Face Massage with Close Inaudible Whispering (Skincare, SPA, Personal Attention, 4K)
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Face Massage with Close Inaudible Whispering (Skincare, SPA, Personal Attention, 4K)
00:00 preview
02:23 cleaning hair
03:30 hair turban
04:14 steam towel
06:26 scrub
10:43 cleansing
17:17 toner
23:12 aloe
26:42 cream and honey
30:55 powder
34:48 oil
00:00 프리뷰
02:23 머리 정리
03:30 헤어터번
04:14 스팀타올
06:26 스크럽
10:43 클렌징
17:17 토너
23:12 알로에
26:42 크림과 꿀
30:55 파우더
34:48 오일
00:00 プレビュー
02:23 髪の整理
03:30 ヘアターバン
04:14 スチームタオル
06:26 スクラブ
10:43 クレンジング
17:17 トナー
23:12 アロエ
26:42 クリームと蜂蜜
30:55 パウダー
34:48 オイル
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Me: "Is that crumbled cookies with melted butter? That looks delicious
Ppomo: Puts it on my face
Me: "....Oh. Scrub. Of course-"
~2:23~3:30~cleaning hair
~3:30~4:14~hair turban
~4:14~6:26~steam towel
~26:42~30:55~cream and honey
~49:08~49:08~end of the video
I’m home alone right now and I thought somebody knocked on my door and I spilt my juice.
3:23 POV: when u r hairy like Sasquatch & ur bff brushes ur face
10:07 she has glasses on! So cuteeee
0:01 미리보기
02:23 머리정리
02:23 머리정리
03:30 헤어터번
03:30 헤어터번
04:14 스팀타올
04:14 스팀타올
06:26 스크럽
06:26 스크럽
10:43 클렌징
10:43 클렌징
17:17 토너
17:17 토너
26:42 크림/꿀
26:42 크림/꿀
30:55 파우더
30:55 파우더
34:48 오일
34:48 오일
추천() [개인취향으로 만들어졌습니다]
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] ASMR Face Massage with Close Inaudible Whispering (Skincare, SPA, Personal Attention, 4K)
The Early/Mid Video Sleeper
People who Fell Asleep Fast cause they just want to sleep or the person just takes a while to sleep ( I don’t really know what description to put in this lol )
The Watcher
People who watches the whole ASMR Video because they Admire the ASMRtist or just wants to see what the ASMRist is doing and then sleeps
Edit: Wow you guys still comment lol
I like how everyone is adding more of the types of people hahah
Nyt everyone! Stay Safe! Boop S l e e p
i have this playing on the speaker, and i just wanted to say that even without the headphones this is giving me so many tinGLeS
not complaining tho
Me : sʜʜʜʜ I’ᴍ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴀsᴍʀ, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴛᴏᴘ ǫᴡǫ
Now if only we had face massaging machines to mimic the movements.....
There's no better feeling than watching this with half closed eyes
Have a nice day ! :D
me: about to fall asleep
random ad: “who ate all the cheetos?”
ᴵ’ᵐ ʷʰᶦˢᵖᵉʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃˢᵐʳ
Its literally like 2am at night rn and my dad is snoring so loud- I just want to watch my asmr []^[]
Now I feel like having a face massage... so relaxing
the whispering mostly sounds like "Tt" sound
I see this video as: Foreign fairy whispers to her friends about how beautiful you are and gives skincare routine after rescuing you
I didn't even know dark themed YouTube existed, I just changed it. Thank you lmao
뽀모님 영상은 항상 소품 준비나 영상 전체적인 색감이 통일된 점 등의 컨셉 퀄리티가 남다르고 음향 마저 백색소음 전혀없이 군더더기 없는 깔끔함이라 진짜 늘 믿고 들어요! 언니 늘 파이팅 ㅜㅠ
I am a simple man. I see new PPOMO, I click.
Something tells me she could be making us participate in a ritual making us think its ASMR...
We could be summoning all types of creatures and be just like
the way she posted this at the beginning of my shift im finally home and really to sleep!
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
'유튜브 리뷰 > 인기(추천)동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
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