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[유튜브 리뷰][ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] Close ASMR for Those Who Don't Get Tingles(Your Eardrum Massage, 4K)
twoyou 2020. 11. 10. 15:24(추천)인기 동영상 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] Close ASMR for Those Who Don't Get Tingles(Your Eardrum Massage, 4K)
이번에는 유튜브 인기 동영상에 대해서 리뷰해보겠습니다.
요즘에는 다들 유튜브 볼때 좋은 내용의 영상이더라도 영상이 너무 길면 건너뛰기 하거나, 안보게 되는 경우가 있습니다.
재생시간 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] Close ASMR for Those Who Don't Get Tingles(Your Eardrum Massage, 4K)
00:00 preview
01:50 massaging your eardrums
09:06 breathing
15:19 inaudible whispering & trigger words (tickle, tap)
20:52 mic scratching like ear cleaning
45:55 lip gloss
47:21 soothing gel massage
53:49 wooden blocks
00:00 프리뷰
01:50 고막마사지
09:06 숨소리
15:19 이해할 수 없는 속삭임과 단어반복 (tickle, tap)
20:52 마이크 긁기 귀청소
45:55 립글로스
47:21 수딩젤 마사지
53:49 나무블록
01:50 鼓膜のマッサージ
09:06 寝息
15:19 理解できないささやきと単語繰り返し(tickle, tap)
20:52 マイクスクラッチングと耳掃除
45:55 リップグロス
47:21 ジェルマッサージ
53:49 木ブロック
PATREON (Donation) : https://www.patreon.com/PPOMODOLI
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7:42 we do be walking on stone in Minecraft
Just a personal time stamp! But if anyone at all is reading I hope you have an amazing day! And don't forget someone is always thinking about you and loves you.
Edit: Thank you all soo much for all the likes! It really makes my day
Her hands are getting redder and redder.
01:50 20:52 45:55 47:21 53:49
Don't mind this
massaging your eardrums:1:50
inaudible mouth sounds and trigger words: 15:19
mic scratching like ear cleaning 20:52
soothing gel massage:47:51
wooden blocks:53:49
인기순 댓글 : [ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] Close ASMR for Those Who Don't Get Tingles(Your Eardrum Massage, 4K)
Only person to leave me for 1 month and still seem to impress me.
ppomo: breathes
my brain: its gettin’ a bit chilly in here don’t ya think?
who else is here trying to fall asleep really early to fix their sleeping schedule for school
i'd be a horrible asmr-ist
my heavy breathing would take over the whole video
Radomes for no response:Oh My GoSh My AnXiEtY
LOWKEY THOUGHT I WAS GETTING TINGLES IT WAS A MOSQUITO TOUCHING ME its really weird to coz I thought mosquitos weren’t in England XD
Why do I keep reading "ASMR PROMO" instead or "ASMR PPOMO"
Literally nobody -
No a soul on this earth -
Not even god himself -
If I told literally nobody then nothing to read here
Subtitles during breathing: Music
Me vibing:
I knew you would press read more
다 외국인이야.. 한국사람
Here I was... enjoying this wonderful asmr... and then a freaking spider crawled on my hand and I freaked out and accidentally changed to a different video so then I had to get back on here and Idk where the spider went and I’m scared it might be in my bed so uh yeah excuse me while I cry silently
~Hello there!~
Here are your nightly reminders.
Note: Some of these are only applicable to certain people.
Is your device charging?
Is your homework done?
Is your autoplay off?
Are your teeth brushed?
Have you put in/taken out your bands, retainers or headgear?
Have you taken out your contacts?
Have you used mouthwash?
Have you taken your medications, if you need to?
Have you done the dishes?
Have you washed your face and taken off your makeup?
Have you set your alarm?
Have you counted your blessings/asked yourself what you’re grateful for?
Have you prayed/wished upon a star?
Have you changed your pad/tampon/menstrual disk/menstrual cup/postpartum padsicle?
Have you put the little one down?
Have you said goodnight to your loved ones?
Have you written in your journal?
Have you read a bedtime story or read one to another person?
Have you taken your inhaler/nebulizer treatment?
Have you eaten something today?
Have you been drinking water?
Have you taken your glasses off?
Have you put the dog(s) in their crate(s)? {Large enough for them to spin around and sprawl out in, of course. Make sure they have a few soft toys and blankets for comfort. If it’s hot where you live, make sure they have access to a water bowl.}
Have you cleaned the litter box?
Have you administered any medications to your pets?
Have you taken off your jewelry and taken out your earrings?
Have you emptied the dishwasher or started the dishwasher?
Have you meditated?
Have you flipped your pillow to the cold side?
Have you changed into your pajamas?
Today’s QOTD:
If you could tell someone what you really feel, and they would accept it & embrace it, what would you say?
Today’s Reminder From Me To You~
| This isn’t forever. There are moments you haven’t lived. There are so many good things yet to come. Be patient. You have so many things to be grateful for. I’m grateful for YOU. Find time for yourself, and let go of the past. Agree to disagree, but see the opposing side and respect their opinion. Remember that we are all humans at the end of the day. We should stand united, instead of falling divided. You are here for a purpose. You make someone smile at least once every day. Finally, be considerate. We all need to be there for one another and love everyone for who they are.
~ I love you ~
Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams.
How is she not a lip model. Companies would pay big bucks to see their products on her lips.
Video: 4K
Me: Watching it at 144p for my bad internet
Nobody :
Me : When you destroy a stone block on minecraft: 0:13
Me when one of my AirPods die:
No one
Her: breathing in the mic.
Subtitle: [music].
I FINALLY GOT TINGLESSSS YAAAY they were small ones but it was so cooool
I didn't realize it was an ad when I got Obama telling me to vote /s
Sleep reminders!
Did you brush your teeth?
Did you turn off the light?
Did you plug in your phone?
Did you get blankets?
Did you turn off autoplay?
Did you change clothes?
Did you set an alarm? (If you need to)
Tips to help you fall asleep:
Relax your face, (eyebrows, Face muscles)
Don’t tense up anything, relax
Don’t think about anything bad too much.
You are amazing! Don’t change who you are.
Fulfill your dreams!
Set goals!
Never be afraid to be yourself!
Your unique in your own way, Dont compare yourself to other people!
Never give up! There is always hope!
Have a good night!
(I made this comment and Copy and pasted from other videos!)
~Turn off autoplay
~Drink some water
~Take any needed meds
~Set any alarms for tomorrow
~Make sure you've done all your homework
~Feed any hungry pets
~If you shower in the evening, take a shower
~If you don't usually, say goodnight to someone
~~Things to make you more relaxed ~~
~Drink some warm tea (Watch out for caffeïne)
~Write in a journal about your day
~Write down anything that you need to know for tomorrow
~Light a nice candle (Remember to blow it out)
~~ Things to help you sleep ~~
~Make sure you are warm enough. It is proved that when cold, you are more likely to have nightmares.
~Write in a gratitude journal. This can help you clear you mind about anything and bring out the more positive things before bed.
~Meditate. Meditating can also clear your mind so it is easier to relax.
~Decide that the day is over. Doing this gets you mind and body ready for tomorrow.
~~ If you needed to know ~~
~ I understand that I have no idea what is going on in your life, but whatever you are going through, know that it is going to get better. Think about some of your worst days. You have made it through every single one of them so far and there is absolutely no point in stopping now. You are an absolute warrior for getting this far because life is harsh and it can suck for a while but it will get better. Trust me I just wanted to say I love you and you are a valid human being. Unless you are a lil duck. Then you are a little duck. Either way you deserve all the love in the world .
(HSJSFBEISKNCJCKF omg i usually don't say this but tysm for the likes!! )
Is your device charging?
Is your homework done?
Is your autoplay off?
Are your teeth brushed?
Have you put in/taken out your bands, retainers or headgear?
Have you taken out your contacts?
Have you used mouthwash?
Have you taken your medications, if you need to?
Have you done the dishes?
Have you washed your face and taken off your makeup?
Have you set your alarm?
Have you counted your blessings/asked yourself what you’re grateful for?
Have you prayed/wished upon a star?
Have you changed your pad/tampon/menstrual disk/menstrual cup/postpartum padsicle?
Have you put the little one down?
Have you said goodnight to your loved ones?
Have you written in your journal?
Have you read a bedtime story or read one to another person?
Have you taken your inhaler/nebulizer treatment?
Have you eaten something today?
Have you been drinking water?
Have you taken your glasses off?
Have you put the dog(s) in their crate(s)? {Large enough for them to spin around and sprawl out in, of course. Make sure they have a few soft toys and blankets for comfort. If it’s hot where you live, make sure they have access to a water bowl.}
Have you cleaned the litter box?
Have you administered any medications to your pets?
Have you taken off your jewelry and taken out your earrings?
Have you emptied the dishwasher or started the dishwasher?
Have you meditated?
Have you flipped your pillow to the cold side?
Have you changed into your pajamas?
[ASMR PPOMO 뽀모] 인기 동영상에 대해서 댓글들을 모아 요약형, 시간대형, 인기순 등으로 알아보았습니다.
좋은 영상 혹은 채널인데, 너무 길어서 아쉬웠던 분들은 유튜브 채널이나 동영상 링크를 남겨주시면 블로그 포스팅해드리겠습니다.
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